Friday, January 21, 2011

Something Positive

Just to throw something positive in the mix of all my rants....
1) I am with my husband tonight rather then him being stranded and both us us alone
2) we are still on schedule for Lasik
3) my dog is being cared for by my wonderful parents
4) we are staying in a really nice hotel and had a really nice dinner for FREE..sort of
5) I get to enjoy beautiful snow
6) last but certainly not least because it is the most important....I have a Savior that loves me and understands my concerns! Praise God for His goodness and His loving mercy on a sinner like me!!!!

1 comment:

Warren said...

couldn't have been stranded with a better partner, baby!

super happy the lasik went well =D

we get him back soon

next time we're stranded at DTW.. we are SO staying at the BWIGH ... even if we have to swap vouchers with someone else!


hit the nail on the head with that last one :)